19/12/2015 14:29 Laurie Noonan Testimonial December 12th 2015. A gathering of about 100 people from Arcadia and neighbouring brigades paid tribute to Laurie’s commitment to the CFA and the Community for seventy years of service to the Arcadia Fire Brigade. Laurie was born on December 28th 1927, so he is coming up eighty eight years… Continue reading Laurie Noonan Testimonial
Arcadia News
Australia Day Celebration at Arcadia 2015
21/2/2015 10:57 We celebrate Australia Day. A perfect day, cool, a slight breeze and few flies, a good start one would say. People started arriving at about 8am as the aroma from the barby wafted across the area. Soon the first of the eighty people who attended were enjoying fruit, lamb chops, bacon, steak, eggs… Continue reading Australia Day Celebration at Arcadia 2015
Arcadia Market Day
16/12/2014 14:03 A very successful Market Day was held by the Arcadia Fire Brigade on Sunday 13th of November where over $2000 was raised. There were over thirty stall holders who set up to sell their wares. The members of the Brigade are raising funds to go towards the purchase of an Ultralite fire fighter… Continue reading Arcadia Market Day
The view from Mt.Wombat in the Strathbogie Ranges
30/3/2014 15:09 The view from Mt.Wombat On any summers day, we in the Goulburn Valley are being watched over from afar. Geoff Broughton from his viewing site on the top of Mt.Wombat in the Strathbogie Ranges constantly scans the surrounding country for smoke rising above the trees. Geoff who lives at Branjee near Euroa is… Continue reading The view from Mt.Wombat in the Strathbogie Ranges
Arcadia Fire Brigade to plane crash.
4/3/2009 16:29 At 1430hrs on Wednesday 25th February, the Arcadia Brigade received a pager message to support Shepparton at a plane crash and fire at the Shepparton Airport. Local brigade resources were already stretched with 10 tankers being turned out to a fire in large mulch windrows at Daldy Rd just north of Shepparton. The… Continue reading Arcadia Fire Brigade to plane crash.
Australia Day at Arcadia 2009
30/1/2009 17:51 An estimated 60 people gathered at the Arcadia Community Centre to enjoy a traditional “Aussie Brecky” cooked on the barby, people from the neighboring areas of Karramomus, Kialla, Shepparton and visitors from Melbourne joined with locals to celebrate the event. The guest speaker was Councilor Cherie Crawford from The City of Greater Shepparton… Continue reading Australia Day at Arcadia 2009
New Irrigation Structure at Arcadia
29/9/2008 20:39 Prior to the irrigation season commencing a new regulator was installed on the Main Eastern chanel just north of where it crosses the Arcadia/Tamleugh Rd, the cost of this project was approximately $550,000.
Farewell to Ian and Elaine Clarke
17/5/2008 9:53 Farewell for Ian and Elaine Clarke Tonight at the Community Centre a function was held to honor Ian and Elaine Clarke who are leaving the district to live in Shepparton. Ian has lived all his life at Arcadia and following his marriage to Elaine Adams of Tameleugh they have resided in the township… Continue reading Farewell to Ian and Elaine Clarke
Sale of Arcadia School Site
29/3/2008 15:12 The Sale of the Arcadia School and Residence On Saturday March 29th 2008 the Arcadia school, residence and land was auctioned; Vic Roads had bought the property in its land acquisition program prior to works commencing on the duplication of the Goulburn Valley Hwy in June 2006. The property was passed in at… Continue reading Sale of Arcadia School Site
Calder Woodburn Memorial Re-dedication
16/3/2008 12:56 The Re-dedication of The Memorial was held on Sunday March 16th 2008 at the new Vic Roads Rest Area situated beside the new Goulbourn Valley Freeway at Arcadia; there were about seventy people present for the ceremony. Bernard Kennedy President of The Arcadia Progress Assoc. extended a warm welcome to all those present.… Continue reading Calder Woodburn Memorial Re-dedication