Great Things in Arcadia

26/12/2016 10:59

Great Things have been happening at Arcadia.

The recreation area in the township area has had a face lift, thanks to The Committee of Management, The Community Planning Committee, The Greater Shepparton City Council, the staff of the Council who have liased and organised the elements that now make the area so much more attractive. Not forgetting, the local residents who have contributed their thoughts and ideas for the betterment of Arcadia.
A great community effort.

The old toilet has been replaced by a state of the art modern facility which cost $110,000. Bollards and railing around the Community Centre and Tennis Court, landscaping and new gardens to add colour to the area.

New toilet at Community Centre.

Then of course the most recent addition, the Arcadia Welcome Signs that have been erected on Arcadia Road near the Goulburn Valley FWY and on Kennedy Road on the southern entrance to the township. Considerable thought and discussion took place on the type of structure, the message that the sign would portray and where they should be located.

The Heritage sign that will give some of the history of the area is well on the way and will be located in front of the Community Centre. The Committee of Management has recently been advised that we are to receive funding from the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal to refurbish the old tennis shed and erect a new water tank,this has all been part of the Master Plan for Arcadia. The next major project will be to establish an all weather parking area on the southern side of the Fire Station.

Welcome sign on GV Freeway.
A riverside rural paradise.

The Story within the Welcome Signs.

The blue area on the front panel represents the Goulburn River as it flows along the east boundary of Arcadia. The piece of railway line portrays the great economic and social benefit that allowed Arcadia to prosper following the opening of the Murchison – Shepparton section of the Goulburn Valley Railway Line in 1880.
The timber post has several meanings for it’s inclusion within the structure: The old tree that had fallen across the river at the swimming place many many moons ago was a focal point for those taking a dip in the river– known affectionally as”The Log”. The wooden sleepers that the railway line was pinned to and up to five sawmills operated at times in the rail station yard, wood cleared by the farmers was sawn into one foot blocks and railed to Melbourne for heating and cooking purposes.
The vine watermark on front and back of the sign, represents the grapevine that grew in the stones on the station platform, and also the vineyard that was established by Squatter James Miller beside the Goulburn River and of course the Wine Cafe that operated for many years in the heart of Arcadia.

Farewell from Arcadia.

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