31/1/2016 8:51 |
A Big Crowd Celebrates Australia Day at Arcadia.
This morning the biggest crowd ever celebrated Australia Day at Arcadia, people from Miepoll, Karramomus, Kialla, Shepparton and even one couple journeying from Barooga in NSW for the event. Over 100 people came along for breakfast of fresh fruit, bacon, eggs steak and of course the good old Aussie lamb chop. The five chefs including Barrie, Gavin, Bernie, Fran and John were kept busy well into the morning satisfying the pangs of hunger.
Ros Sinclair was master of ceremonies for the morning, guests included our Australia Day Ambassador Andrew Asten and his wife Grace who reside in Melbourne, Cr Chris Hazleman from The Greater Shepparton City Council and Andrew Broad who is Region 22 Operations Manager for the CFA. Another notable guest was Matt Dowling who presents the breakfast program on the local ABC radio in Shepparton, Matt is kind enough to give the event a plug on his morning show.

Andrew in his address to the gathering spoke of the past year and mentioned some of the unexpected events that happened including, in the finance world, the change of Prime Minister and the first woman jockey, Michelle Payne to win The Melbourne Cup. He looked forward with great expectation to the year ahead, he spoke of the strength of community, of Australians “punching above their weight”. Andrew mentioned the people of Marysville and how that community has bonded together since the disasterous fire of Black Saturday 2009 which wiped out that town. Great things are happening in sport such as the new talent emerging in Australian Tennis and also in industry with innovative people taking their products into the great Asian markets.

Ros announced that the Arcadia Citizen of the Year is Ray McManus, Ray is Captain of the Arcadia Fire Brigade and since moving into Arcadia some years ago has taken an active role in all that happens here. He has recruited many new members for the brigade and gives everyone great encouragement. He has been instrumental in raising funds by the way of wood drives and the Arcadia Market which started last year. The shed for the ultra lite fire fighting unit is under construction at the moment. Well done Ray.