14/9/2004 23:39 |
The 5th meeting of the Community Liaison Group was held on Sept 14th at Vic Roads Offices Shepparton. Arcadia members who were present were: Graeme Jennings, Chris Ferguson, Laurie Noonan, Gavin Doyle, Bernard Kennedy, reps. Were also present from the Shire Councils of Shepparton and Sthathbogie, The RSL, G M Water, Shepparton Inviromental Group, Goulburn Broken Catchment Auth. Some of the issues discussed were: Construction width of service and access roads, the width and whether or not they are sealed is determined by the estimated traffic flows on these roads, ie Gleesons Lane will be unsealed with a traffic width of 6m; the Arcadia Rd to Karramonus Rd service road will have a width of 9.2m with a 4m seal, the committee indicated to Vic Roads that a 4m seal was not practical and therefor should be wider. The noise barrier at Dry Creek will be 3m high To improve the safety aspect for vehicles using the present G V Hwy for south bound traffic when the freeway is constructed; wire rope barriers will be constructed along the entire length of the old highway. Preliminary plans for the delivery of irrigation water across the freeway-water will be piped under the freeway. Plans for the construction of intersections at Noonans Rd, Zoch Rd, Arcadia Rd and Doyles Rd are almost complete, however the committee requested a modification to the Doyles Rd intersection. Landscape design along the new carriageway: it is proposed that the project length would be split into three sections each with it’s own planting characteristics specific to that area. It was suggested by the committee that Sugar Gums one of the proposed varieties was not practical owing to their propensity of dropping limbs, suggested substitutes were Spotted Gum or Grey Box. The freeway rest area for the northbound lane will be located south of Gleesons Lane, it is here that the Calder Woodburn Memorial will be relocated to, it is proposed that the memorial will have a prominent position at this site. The plans for the building etc have not being finalised at this time. The southbound rest area will be eventually located on the southern end of the Shepparton Bypass near Karramomus Rd. The project manager Bill Peyton indicated that $15m has been earmarked for the Goulburn Valley Hwy in the 2005-2006 financial year, but Vic Roads are reluctant to start the project unless funds to complete the project become available. |