Notes from Arcadia Landcare

6/10/2004 23:45


Over the past 10 years there has been a progressive spread of weeds into the Goulbourn Valley area, in particular the weed Patterson’s Curse has taken a foothold on both public and private land, the Arcadia area has not been immune from this menace.

The Strathbogie Shire Council has a Land Management Program in place with particular emphasis on the control and eradication of pest plants and animals. Approximately 35% of the Arcadia area is in the Strathbogie Shire’s municipal area. Local Landcare Groups have had input into this program by highlighting the problem weeds and animals in their particular areas.

The council has had a Rural Land Rate scheme which landholders apply for each year by stating whether or not they have a weed and/or a pest animal problem on their property and if so what action they are taking to control and eradicate the problem.

The following charts show a record of the pest plants and animals within the shire and also within the Arcadia area. 

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