Farewell to Ian and Elaine Clarke

17/5/2008 9:53

Farewell for Ian and Elaine Clarke

Tonight at the Community Centre a function was held to honor Ian and Elaine Clarke who are leaving the district to live in Shepparton. Ian has lived all his life at Arcadia and following his marriage to Elaine Adams of Tameleugh they have resided in the township of Arcadia.

Both have been involved with the tennis club and fire brigade; and have been committed and respected members of the Murchison Golf Club, where they have enjoyed many rounds of social and competition golf.
Ian & Elaine Clarke

Until his retirement Ian worked for many years as a truck driver for the Mobil Oil Co. and was widely known through out the district; having lived on the banks of the Goulburn he was also a very keen fisherman.

We wish them well in their transition to a more urban lifestyle.

Ian Clarke

Ian being presented with his 55 year Brigade Service Medal by Fire Brigade Capt. Richard Walker.

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