16/3/2008 12:56 |

The Re-dedication of The Memorial was held on Sunday March 16th 2008 at the new Vic Roads Rest Area situated beside the new Goulbourn Valley Freeway at Arcadia; there were about seventy people present for the ceremony.

Bernard Kennedy President of The Arcadia Progress Assoc. extended a warm welcome to all those present. Dignitaries who took part in the ceremony were Mr Roger Cruse OAM from the Shepparton RSL Branch; Rev Monsignor Peter Jeffery of St Brendan’s Parish Shepparton; the Mayor of the City of Greater Shepparton Cr.Eric Bott; the Mayor of Strathbogie Shire Council Cr Greg Carlson; Mr Graham Freestone Regional Director Vic Roads North Eastern and Samatha Cordy a young school student from Arcadia. The unveiling of the memorial was performed by Mr Peter McPhee OAM President of the Shepparton Branch RSL. |
Placing flowers in the urn

Jim Sparks

The Calder Woodburn Memorial Monument was originally situated at the wayside stop area at the intersection of the Goulburn Valley Hwy and Karramomus Rd, but because of the duplication of the highway it was re-located to its present location. It was on May 7th 1995 that the monument in memory of the Service men and women who did not return from the 2nd World War was dedicated.