No Motor Cycle Track for Arcadia

8/10/2005 11:31:00 PM

On Sept 29th 2005 Mr S R Crimino, the VCAT chairman in this case, handed down his decision on the appeal by the Goulburn Valley Junior Motor Cross Club against the decision by Greater Shepparton City Council who had refused the grant of a permit for the use and development of a motor cross racing track on Noonan’s Rd Arcadia.

In his summary Mr Crimino indicated that: 

He had no difficulty with the proposed use of land zoned for rural purposes provided that it can be clearly demonstrated that there would be no unreasonable amenity and environmental impacts.

That with the construction of suitable 2 metre high earth berms along the south and south west boundaries of the property the proposed use would not result in unreasonable noise impacts. Also that the proposed use and development would not result in unreasonable visual impacts.

It is clear that this is not a site that is free of constraints. It is subject to some flooding, the soil is heavy and prone to staying wet, there is a drainage line and existing vegetation to consider whilst Noonan’s Rd is relatively narrow and intersects with a busy highway.

I see 2 major deficiencies with this proposal. First, the applicant has not been able to satisfy me that the works required to construct the track and earth berms will not result in flood and/or drainage problems. Second, it seems to me that the recommendations of the applicant’s traffic consultant are not based on the actual anticipated level of activity associated with the use. Essentially, the extent of traffic has been grossly underestimated. I am not satisfied that the measures to be put in place for 1 or 2 events a year are appropriate for a greater number events and for a number of years until the highway duplication occurs.

These 2 factors justify the refusal of the proposal.

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