Latest on the proposed Motor Cycle Track at Arcadia

News item courtesy of The Shepparton News
The original map on which the Arcadia group based it’s opposition to the construction of the track.
The new version of the track that was unexpectedly presented at the Tribunal hearing
6/19/2005 23:36
The Arcadia and District Progress Assoc Inc whose members opposed the construction of the Motor Cycle Track was represented at the V C A T hearing by Ms Jenny Moles from the law firm Maddocks, she was assisted by Mrs Dianne McPherson of Arcadia. Mr Des Quirk a neighbouring landholder was a witness for the case against.

The Greater Shepparton City Council who had refused to grant a planning permit to the Motor Cycle Club was represented by Mr Egils Stokans of the law firm Russel Kennedy.

The case for the Motor Cycle Club was presented by Mr Thomas Jones. 

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